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Mobile Apps

  • <<jQuery Mobile>>. Everything related to the jQuery Mobile framework for creating mobile web applications.
  • <<Mobile App Development>>. Includes Mobile Web App development and eBook publishing.
  • Mobile Apps & Sites with ASP.NET.
  • Free. Wrap your app with PhoneGap. Cloud computing support. They recommend jQuery Mobile. Also see: Multi-platform mobile applications with PhoneGap. PhoneGap was originally developed by Nitobi, which was later purchased by Adobe Systems. Adobe contributed the PhoneGap code to Apache Software Foundation, starting a new project named Apache Cordova. Cordova is open source software. PhoneGap can be considered a distribution of Cordova, extending the open source project with extra features.
  • Razor Generator. This is a Custom Tool for Visual Studio that allows processing Razor files at design time instead of runtime, allowing them to be built into an assembly for simpler reuse and distribution.

Web Designers

