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Human awareness (or consciousness) cannot escape time.
Rather, it is molded by it. Moreover, if awareness is to be aware of
anything, it must presuppose space as well as time. There are seven
categories inclusive of the human condition: past, present, and
future are inclusive of all human relationships to Time.
There is no fourth. Similarly, the relations of the self to God
(I-You), to itself (I-I), to others (I-you), and to the
world (I-it) are inclusive of all fundamental existential relationships
to Being. There is no commensurable

Our purpose here is to explore these boundaries of man, his spacio-temporal
dimensions from a phenomenological (the study of the law of cause and
effect) and a theological perspective, with the hope of providing answers
to his predicament and promise.
Reference: Thomas
C. Oden, The Structure of Awareness
Email: xbiblos@outlook.com
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