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Prophecy on Nashville, Tennessee

EGW Prophecy on Nashville

  • PLEA BY FIRE: A Warning for Nashville and the Cities of Earth. Duration 1:16:48. Discusses the EGW prophecy concerning the judgment by fire on an area in Nashville, now identified as the Parthenon replica.
  • Ibid. Legal battle between Ellen White Estate and SDAnonymous (SDAs advocating the release of more than 50,000 pages of EGW's writings that had not been made public) settled in 2015. This group had hacked the Ellen White Estate and took 8,300 documents. The lawyers representing the EGW Estate responded saying in part: If you disseminate the material as foreshadowed in your below you can rest assured that my client will never negotiate with you and move to bankrupt you in Australia when the time arises.
  • Ibid. In the U.S., as of 2003, the copyright for the unpublished writings of Ellen G. White, including all the manuscripts and letters held in trust by the Ellen G. White Estate, Inc. now reside formally in the public domain with rights matching the true ownership.
  • Ibid. Ellen G. White Estate Releases Unpublished Writings, The Compass Magazine, July 16, 2015. The decision to publish them was made two years earlier. On the same day of publishing these works, the Estate dropped the charges against SDAnonymous.
  • Ibid. Anonymous Group Claims Responsibility for Hacking White Estate, Challenges Trustees to Release Unpublished Manuscripts in Digital Form. by, published in 2012.