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Betrothal: to cause (someone) to promise formally to marry someone.

Based on "The Betrothal Series" by Dr. S. M. Davis. The seven aspects to the betrothal relationship are:

1 - Character (inward adornment). Character development should be the central focus of a betrothal relationship. The man's primary goal in the betrothal process is to sanctify his bride. The model is Christ and the church. Christ gave Himself for her, and is in the process of sanctifying her to himself. "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish" (Ephesians 5:25-27).

2 - Discern life purpose. A man must know his life purpose. What God has called him to do in the church and in society. If the woman is to be his "helpmate", how can she help her future husband if he does not know what God has called him to do?

3 - Pray like never before. Marriage is the second most important decision in life, after salvation. After God, nothing will affect your future happiness as much as marriage. Ask God to indicate His Will. Ask Him for specific direction in every aspect.

4 - Parental approval. Not just approval, but involvement. The man is to get consent from the father of the bride to engage in a betrothal relationship. Ideally, both sets of parents should be involved in the process. Their counsel and guidance should be sought.

5 - Man initiated. As in the plan of salvation, where God and Christ took the initiative, so man takes the first step toward a betrothal relationship. The woman is to wait and trust in God.

6 - Courtship without physical involvement. Time should be allotted for "supervised" visits for the couple to get to know each other. Listen to "The Betrothal Series" for suggestions.

7 - Bride-price. The man is to manifest a genuine interest in the bride. This is done at a cost (monetary or otherwise). The cost is determined by the bride's father. The model is Christ and the church. Christ purchased His bride with His own blood.

Listen to "How Betrothing Worked For Us" (16 minutes into the tape) on how a young couple did this.