Jihad - false evangelism
Real peace with Muslims is impossible as long as they believe in the
example and teaching of Muhammad. For the Prophet peace comes only through
submission to Islam, which is the very meaning of "Islam,"
namely, "submission." But the Islamic concept of peace as
a world dominated by Muslims is ultimately a mandate for war.
What happens if Jews and Christians don't want to live under the rule
of Islam? Then Islam has to fight them and this fighting is called Jihad.
Jihad means war against those people who don't want to accept the
Islamic superior rule. That's Jihad.
The Koranic God, Allah, explicitly enjoins to slay the pagans, Jews,
and Christians who do not embrace Islam. "When the forbidden months
are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and
seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem
(of war). But if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice
regular charity [become Moslem], then open the way for them." (Surah
9:5). Surah means chapter in the Koran.
Sura 5:36-38 prescribes four types of punishments for those who oppose
Allah and his prophet, Muhammad. The four types of punishments are:
cutting off the head, crucifixion, maiming, or exile. These were to
be applied according to the circumstances, and reveal the ruthless methods
used by Muslims invaders to advance their religion.
Such a coercive method of evangelism stands in stark contrast to the
teachings of the biblical God to win men and women for His Kingdom by
proclaiming to them the Good News of His saving grace through Christ's
atoning sacrifice.
(An indepth discussion of "Violence in the Koran and the Bible"
is found in Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi's Endtime
Issues No. 85.)
Two houses. The Koran sees the world as divided into
two - one part which has come under Islamic rule and one part which
is supposed to come under Islamic rule in the future. There is a division
of the world which is very clear. Every single person who starts studying
Islam knows it.
The world is described as Dar al-Islam (the house of Islam)
- that's the place where Islam rules - and the other part which is called
Dar al-Harb - the house of war. Not the "house of non-Muslims,"
but the "house of war." It is this house of war which has
to be, at the end of time, conquered. The world will continue to be
in the house of war until it comes under Islamic rule.
This is the norm. Why? Because Allah says it's so in the Koran. God
has sent Mohammed with the true religion in order that the truth will
overcome all other religions.
Portions excerpted from Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi in Endtime
Issues No. 84 and Endtime
Issues No. 86.