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Heavy Metals

Heavy metals and cancer

  • The Cancer Connection to Mercury, Toxic Metals, and Dental Cavitations, with Information on Cancer Treatment. "Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg... The body senses the need for more oxygen and may attempt to compensate for this by increasing the production of hemoglobin. A normal or increased hemoglobin level combined with symptoms of lack of oxygen (fatigue, weakness, appearing pale, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, etc) could indicate mercury toxicity.
  • (Part I) Protect yourself from cancer-causing heavy metals. Posted 10/29/2010.
  • Heavy Metal Toxicity Causes Cancer. In treating heavy metal toxicity, it is necessary to avoid sudden releases of heavy metals as this may exacerbate the patient’s condition with serum tumor marker increases and viral loads increases. Removal of dental amalgams causes an immediate, drastic increase of mercury released into the body. It is always best to stabilize the patient first from the toxic metal burden and then work on removal of mercury laden dental amalgams or other man-made burdens. ... During the initial 90 days of chelation it is prudent to avoid the consumption of cilantro as it will mobilize heavy metals and especially mercury which can potentially cause a severe exacerbation of the health challenges.
  • Polycythemia Vera (Wikipedia). An overproduction of blood cells. The overproduction of red blood cells may be due to a primary process in the bone marrow (a so-called myeloproliferative syndrome), or it may be a reaction to chronically low oxygen levels or, rarely, a malignancy.


Heavy metals detox

Heavy metals detox (home use EDTA suppositories)

  • EDTA Chelation Suppositories. Posted 6/1/2010. Reviews Detoxamin and Medicardium. Medicardium only comes in 365 mg potency (i.e. child potency), whereas Detoxamin comes in 375, 750, 1000, and 1500 mg potencies. Detoxamin is the most established and researched EDTA chelation suppository of its kind. The Detoxamin formula contains EDTA in a calcium di-sodium base.
  • KelaminHM. The article claims Detoxamin is no longer sold to consumers (not true at the moment), and started a competitor product at lower cost called KelaminHM. The other competitor, Medicardium, is a very viable form of EDTA with a strong affinity to Calcium but it has a far weaker attraction to other toxic metals including Mercury, Lead, Aluminum and Cadmium.
  • KelaminHM for sale (eBay). As of 10/1/2017 a Detox900 mg/30 Ct package costs $117.00.
  • Detoxamin Suppository for sale ( Detoxamin for sale in various potencies and quantities.
  • Detoxamin Suppository for sale ( Online place to purchase the various potencies and quantities from 15 to 30 suppositories. A container of 15 suppositories is equivalent to 6 IV chelation treatments. As of 10/1/2017 the cost for the 15 Ct / 1000mg package is $138.00.
  • Electrolyte Cocktail. Ingredients: In 2-3 liters of water dissolve: 1/2 tsp Potassium Bicarbonate, 1/8 to 1/4 tsp Organic Sodium Bicarbonate, 1 tsp Magnesium Oil (Miracle Mist).