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Binitarian point of view

Important Biblical questions answered from a Binitarian point of view:



If Adam and Eve were created in God's image (cf. Genesis 1:26-27), can we apply physical (along with non-physical) aspects of their creation to an understanding of who God is?

Yes. Adam and Eve were a duality--two individuals. Thus, God is a duality. Also, their creation helps explain the begotten-ness of the Son--i.e. as Eve came from the side of Adam, so the Son was "begotten" from the Father. Adam and Eve were one flesh as the Father and Son are of the same Divine substance.

It also provides insight into the Incarnation (i.e. Jesus, the God-man), the Resurrection, and the saints becoming sons of God (1 John 3:1-2).

No. God's nature is a mystery.
Why in the book of Revelation is there mention of seven spirits before the throne in the first chapter (cf. Revelation 1:4) and no spirit or spirits at the end of the book (cf. Revelation 21-22 )? No spirit is mentioned at the end (in the earth made new) because God himself will dwell with man (Revelation 21:3). No spirit or spirits are needed. The nature of the Holy Spirit is a mystery.

All but two verses in the New Testament mention "grace and peace" coming from the Father and Son alone (see NT salutations). Why is that?

Because only the Father and Son can impart them. Once accepted by the individual, they result in spiritual fruit (see Galatians 5:22).  
If the Father has a spirit and the Son has a spirit (cf. Romans 8:9-11), does the Holy Spirit have a spirit? The Spirit does not have a spirit, because it is the spirit of the Father and the Son.  
If Jesus came to reveal the Father, why is their relationship still a mystery? God's mysteries generally refer to His ways and His thoughts, not His nature (cf. Job 11:7-9; Isaiah 55:8-9; Romans 11:33).  
What do the numerous references to Father and Son identify? A true Father and Son. The God of the Bible is a Father; a Father of a Son. A title. Their names identify their work, not their nature. They are role playing.
Why can no one come to the Father except through the Son (cf. John 14:6)?

The context is "to know" in an intimate relational sense. The Son reveals the relationship we are to have with the Father. The Son gives us the pattern of faith, love, obedience, etc. For example, we are to have both a faith in Jesus as well as the faith of Jesus (cf. Revelation 14:12).