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The majority of those who become homeless are homeless only once. Noted researcher Dr. Dennis Culhane of the University of Pennsylvania found that nationally, on average:

  • 80% of those who are homeless are homeless only once
  • 10% are homeless more than once
  • 10% are chronically homeless (meaning they are homeless four or more times in three years or continually homeless for one year).


  • FAQ - Homelessness. According to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (NLCHP), approximately 3 million men, women and children are homeless each year in the U.S.
  • American Story: Tent City USA. Published 7/18/2014. Like most Americans, Steve had a home, a good job and a hobby—helping homeless people. Now Steve is the minister of 'Tent City', and his home is a little tent in the woods of New Jersey.
  • The Mad Housers. The next level up from a tent or emergency shelter. Headquarters is in Atlanta, Georgia.

Paul Elkins' homeless or emergency shelter