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Ellen G. White Tree Planting

EGW way of planting trees

  • EGW tree planting method. In PDF format. See video: Planting by the Blueprint.
  • Quote from EGW. While we were in Australia, we adopted the . . . plan . . . of digging deep trenches and filling them in with dressing that would create good soil. This we did in the cultivation of tomatoes, oranges, lemons, peaches, and grapes. {3SM 328.1} The man of whom we purchased our peach trees told me that he would be pleased to have me observe the way they were planted. I then asked him to let me show him how it had been represented in the night season that they should be planted. I ordered my hired man to dig a deep cavity in the ground, then put in rich dirt, then stones, then rich dirt. After this he put in layers of earth and dressing until the hole was filled. I told the nurseryman that I had planted in this way in the rocky soil in America. I invited him to visit me when these fruits should be ripe. He said to me, "You need no lesson from me to teach you how to plant the trees." {3SM 328.2} Our crops were very successful. The peaches were the most beautiful in coloring, and the most delicious in flavor of any that I had tasted. We grew the large yellow Crawford and other varieties, grapes, apricots, nectarines, and plums.--Letter 350, 1907.
  • A modified EGW version. Dig a hole 3 feet deep and 3 feet diameter wide. Place air pockets using piping or upside down gallon bucket at the bottom. The bottom 1/3 is then filled with rich soil (balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10 including micronutrients using kelp meal from a feed store). Then a layer of gravel ("stones"). The middle 1/3 is also filled with rich soil. The final (top) 1/3 is filled with regular top soil. Add earthworms at the top using both night crawler (deep digging) and red wiggler or compost (surface digging) varieties. Plant the tree and put a grow tube around it. Water regularly the first 3-6 months. Add mulch on top to help retain moisture.
  • The purpose of the stones may be to increase heat energy to the roots, especially through the evening and night. Also, to promote low-frequency electromagnetic (EM) fields through the tree? There are various EM studies on plants and trees. EM fields stimulated diameter growth on some trees. Microwaves have a negative effect.
  • Electro-culture. In 1964, the USDA performed tests in which a negative electrode was placed high in a tree, and the positive electrode was connected to a nail driven into the base of the tree. Stimulation with 60 volts DC substantially increased leaf density on electrified branches after a month. Within a year, foliage increased 300% on those branches! DC electricity has generally a positive effect on plants and trees. However, AC electricity has generally a negative effect, except in a few cases where it has a positive effect.

EGW planting variants

  • Some put the “air pocket” in the bottom layer, others put it in the middle layer. I don’t know which is right or better. Also, I don’t know why this works, but the evidence is that it does work.
  • Fruit tree planting the Ellen White method. Published 6/29/2018. Duration 37:16. Dig a hole 3 feet diameter by 3 feet deep. Ingredients to put in the hole include:First third: Pourous (with slits) corrugated 4-inch ring at the bottom, followed by fertilized soil which includes rock phosphate [0-3-0] (4-5 cups), lime (2 cups), sea kelp (1/2 cup), sea salt (2 tablespoons), dirt, compost, fertlizer. Second third: Layer of 1-3 inch rocks, top soil (manure, dirt, etc.) Last third (top): Same as first third + organic nitrogen (cottonseed meal) (2-3 cups). Scoop out the hole to plant the tree and add a large rock (optional) to anchor the roots. Plant the tree and make sure it sits 1-2 inches above the grafted knotch. Firm the soil and add mulch on the top.
  • Tree Planting Like A Boss.
  • Fruit tree planting the Ellen White method.
  • Google image.
  • Outside of these steps, I the only additional thing I would add is a mycorrhizal slurry to the tree at planting time to get the fungi cranking.
  • Planting a Fruit Tree - The Ellen White Method. Duration 18:00. Uses dead wood instead of tube or bucket for the "air pocket."