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Back to Eden (Film) Method

Back to Eden Film (1 hour, 40 minutes long). "It's all about the covering." Paul Gautschi, who lives in Washington, uses woodchips to grow plants. This method:

  • Prevents topsoil from blowing away
  • Prevents weeds from growing
  • Doesn’t require maintenance
  • Doesn’t require watering

Paul likes wood chips the best but he has used grasses, rocks, and animal manure as coverage. For his wood chips he likes to use branches with green leaves that have been chipped. Luckily these are often available for free through local tree services looking to get rid of the chips. He also suggests that you can prune and mulch your own trees. Basically his method involves laying down a good soil level of compost and then spreading wood chips over it. He lays down compost every 3-5 years and finds that the longer it’s there, the better the soil gets and less often he needs to lay down compost. One thing that’s interesting is that you can’t till the wood chips into the soil or it will actually rob the soil of the nitrogen to break down the wood chips. You want to leave the wood chips on top to form the protective layer. And you let the leaves fall and go back into the soil which means that there’s no need for fertilizer because it’s not being taken out of the ground. And another benefit is that weeds can’t take hold in the wood chip cover because when their seeds blow into your garden they can’t get down to the soil level. It is the soil that provides the nutrients, and the woodchips that provide the cover.

He plants new seeds directly in the soil and waters right after. But once the seeds are up in the form of little seedlings, he stops watering and just lets nature take over. He believes that using woodchips you can reduce water usage by 95-99% since the moisture stays underneath the mulch, even in summer. The woodchips create a blanket and rain water will slowly work its way into the soil and will be retained there for use in dry periods.

How to start a Garden of Eden

You can use any plot of land, including a grass lawn. Your steps would be as follows:

  1. Newspaper- lay down newspaper over the whole area you want to garden. Four sheets thick seems to work best. This is used to suffocate any grasses and weeds.
  2. Soil (compost)- Lay down 2-3 inches of rich composted soil on top of the newspaper.
  3. Wood chips- Lay down about 3-4 inches of somewhat composted woodchips on top of the soil. They should have different shapes and sizes of chips and should include wood and green leaves in the mulch. In a garden it is 3-4 inches of wood chips, but in an orchard he plants 12-16 inches of wood chips to suffocate grasses and weeds. Remember to plant new seeds directly into the soil level (below the wood chips) as they won’t grow well in the wood chip layer. Water right after seeding and then basically just let it be. If using raw wood chips, apply this layer in the Fall to allow the Fall - Winter to break down the raw wood chips.
  4. (Optional) Manure- sprinkle on top a light dusting of slightly composted manure.
