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False Doctrines of Babylon

Dispelling Catholic beliefs

"The Two Babylons or The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife"

The Two Babylons, by the late Rev. Alexander Hislop has been heralded by many Christians as a classic in the area of Christian Apologetics. Although containing valuable material, it has been questioned for its research methodology. There are several online versions of the book.

Refutation of "The Two Babylons"

  • The Two Babylons: A Case Study in Poor Research Methodology by Ralph Woodrow. In 1966, Ralph Woodrow, wrote Babylon Mystery Religion: Ancient and Modern, an updated reworking of Hislop's book. After three decades and further investigation, he discovered that Hislop's book was seriously flawed and historically untenable. In light of these findings, Woodrow withdrew his earlier book from publication and publicly renounced it, writing The Babylon Connection?, a refutation of both his earlier book and Hislop's book.
  • The Two Babylons / The Babylon Connection?. A book review by Janice Moore. Also contains other valuable links on the subject.
  • The Influence of The Two Babylons. Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi comments on The Two Babylons in his EndTime Issues Newsletter No. 124. Search (using Ctrl-F) for the phrase "The Two Babylons" to jump to the section.

Anti-Catholicism Response