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Ellen G. White (1827-1915)

Mrs. White helped found the Seventh-day Adventist Church. She is regarded as a true prophetess of God by the church. During her lifetime she wrote more than 5,000 periodical articles and 40 books. Her most important literary work is the five-book volume "Conflict of the Ages" series (comprising Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, The Desire of Ages, The Acts of the Apostles, and The Great Controversy), which traces the conflict between good and evil from its origin to its soon-to-unfold conclusion.

Originally, The Desire of Ages (her commentary on the life of Christ) was to include her writings on the Sermon on the Mount and the parables of Jesus. But, because of the volume of material, the Sermon on the Mount was lifted and became Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing and the parables became Christ's Object Lessons. A portion also went into The Ministry of Healing--her most important book in the area of health. The book, Steps to Christ, also belongs in this collection.

Ellen G. White Estate. Official Ellen G. White website.

Ellen G. White Search Engines

The Complete Published Ellen G. White Writings. Browse or search all published Ellen White writings.

Ellen G. White Search Page. Search all of the writings of Ellen G. White.

Ellen G. White audio files

Ellen G. White audio files. Includes Steps to Christ, The Desire of Ages, Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, The Sanctified Life, Christ Object Lessons, Patriarchs and Prophets, The Great Controversy, The Acts of the Apostles, and Confrontation.

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